
Side Affects of Medication

Side effects of medication
This is a bit of a personal grumble, but I wonder how many other people will agree with this complaining article.

How many people in the U.K, take some sort of medication, with little or no knowledge of the side affects, or even realize that there are side effects.

There are good and bad sides to any medication used for a variety of conditions
It can help people to live the kinds of lives that they want to lead, but every medication has side effects.
These side effects do not affect everybody but it helps to be aware of the common ones when starting to take a new medication.
Some drugs work better than others, so many people have to undergo a trial and error process with different drugs before finding the right medication and dose for them.

My grumble is, the doctors prescribing them fail mostly to tell you about the effects, secondly that they accept the fact as side effects, almost without question, which to me is unacceptable

Although doctors will point out that all medication comes with printed information including possible side affects, I wonder if they encourage patients to read this information.
This simple sounding task, can be very daunting,as the list of side affects can be considerable even for one set of tablets let alone if several different ones are required in the course of a normal day.

As effects can vary so much even one set of tablets can have a long list of side effects, so what about if you have to take several tablets ?

The possibility of multiple effects, which add to your condition rather than controlling it as they should, the trouble is that all medication is manufactured by chemical firms, who’s main aim is to sell their products onto hospitals & doctor surgeries.
Profit seems to come before consideration for those who must take the medication, these pharmaceutical firms don't want cures to be found as this could put them out of business.
Another side affect of medication is constipation which may not seem a very important, but if due to medication, it may irritate or increase the severity of the condition.
Despite what some doctors may say, that all medication can cause constipation

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If you examine the program, you will find it is comprised of many methods that help people learn to live a life that is happier. In order to live free of the cycle of despair it makes sense that only treating one factor is not a solution. A fantastic feature of this book is it combines many proven techniques in a complimentary manner. This unique combination elevates the book to a new level of success.

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